Discussion paper 311


Respond to the following questions using complete sentences and APA-style citations to support each response.

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Discussion paper 311
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Specifically, you must address the following rubric criteria:

Social Media Strategy: Develop responses to the following that clearly demonstrate your understanding of the purpose and benefits of social media strategy for organizations.
Define the term social media using your own words, and explain the benefits of using it from an organizational standpoint.
Use the five features of social media to describe a social media platform.
Explain the benefits of using a social media strategy.
Measures of Effectiveness: Develop responses to the following that clearly demonstrate your understanding of the measures of effectiveness used to plan and evaluate social media.
Explain how you would evaluate a social media post using the functional perspective.
Explain how you would evaluate a social media post using the dynamic perspective.
Explain how you would evaluate a social media post using the experimental perspective.
Describe generators of valuable experiences, and explain how they can inform social media strategy development.

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