Corporate Social Responsibility

PROMPT: Analyze an ongoing corporate social responsibility (CSR) issue with a company or industry of the writer’s choice.


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Corporate Social Responsibility
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“You must write about:


1. An overview of the company or industry and the selected CSR issue.


2. What actions or events caused the issue? Explain the issue in detail and any attempts the company or industry has made to remedy so far.


3. How may the issue be favorably resolved?




Must include:


1) introduction & conclusion sections,


2) minimum of 4 references in the references page. (APA) should be used.







The length of the paper is at least 5 pages double-spaced, including the intro/conclusion (but not including bibliography!)










Written reports will be graded according to the following criteria:


· Thoroughness of analyses (appropriate use of applicable tools, concepts, and techniques).


· Writing clarity (focus, style, cohesion, and writing mechanics).

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