Academic Challenges

Final paper for this course: A controlled research paper (2800 to 3500 words) You are expected to  locate 5 additional external sources  produce an outline and an annotated bibliography  incorporate external sources into your essay 3 (at least 7 sources)  demonstrate your skills in summarizing and paraphrasing in this essay. If you would like to quote, 2 quotes are allowed  include In-text citations and a reference list (APA style). You can utilize your own ideas but the entire paper cannot be solely based on your own ideas. Remember academic writing requires evidence so you will also need to utilize external sources. Suggested research paper topics; you need to pick one. You can also suggest one but the title has to be approved first. Intended audience: Students who intend to pursue post-secondary studies as well as university professors & administrators.  Post-Secondary Education: Benefits, challenges, and solutions  Study abroad: benefits, challenges, solutions, and recommendations  Academic Challenges faced by University students and solutions

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