Surgery, nursing, medical research – The Doctor (1991)

• Which two or three scenes from the film illustrate important points about the profession’s image that most people don’t already know?
• What does it get right?
• What aspects of it do not track with the reality of most people who work in the area of that profession that is seen in the film? Show the scenes and quote the dialogues that illustrate each point.
Surgery, nursing, medical research – The Doctor (1991) • Wit (Rating: R) (2001)
*Thesis, Approach, Coherence, and Analytical Organization:

The film suggests that people in _____ (professional career) regularly _____ ( a, b, and c). However, a look at how it’s actually practiced shows that it gets the _____ and ____ right, but may be misrepresenting ____ and ____.

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Surgery, nursing, medical research – The Doctor (1991)
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• Write about the aspects that are interesting but also on-topic. This option is not an invitation to take off on: • A general discussion of movies about the selected profession. The directions call for choosing one film or two or three episodes of one TV series and discussing them to help the reader get a realistic glimpse of its challenges and what it means to follow that career. • Why you want to do your dream job. That approach is off-topic. • Be sure to suggest the central idea by answering this question: What does one learn about being human from this analysis? The best organization pattern is probably illustration. Review the characteristics and the outline for an academic illustration as seen in the analytical paragraph structure lesson.

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