Summary of different types of observation research / Acupuncture

Written Assignment

Summary of different types of observation research: Find articles on PubMed that are examples of acupuncture research using TWO of the following approaches to research. Identify which approach to research you have chosen, and write a one-paragraph summary (no more than 300 words) for each of the two that you chose, for a total of no more than 600 words for the assignment:

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Summary of different types of observation research / Acupuncture
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a. Observational case study research

b. Observational case series research

c. Observational cross-sectional research

d. Observational case control research

e. Observational cohort research

f. Qualitative research

g. Mixed methods research


Grading Rubric for Summary of different types of observation research:

Identification of studies: The identification of the type of research is correct, including whether it was prospective or retrospective. NOTE: no credit will be awarded if the incorrect type of research article is used. (40%)

Description of studies: Both studies were thoroughly described in terms of the number of participants, the outcome measures (if appropriate), the interventions, and the results. (40%) APA format: The reference page and all in-text citations are consistent with

APA format. The paper has been proofread for errors and typos. (20%)

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