Instructions for Lesson 9

Instructions for Lesson 9 # Please make sure to follow each instruction carefully, We have 2 already that was done but not in this sections, this is another of finding 2 articles and answer each of the questions as he’s requested. Please use the same formatting that he’s used in the (1) for each article.  For the last part it’s going to be a little harder because we have no clue as to what other students are going to post. But just make a paragraph about the topic in Agnews theory and I will figure out the rest. 

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Instructions for Lesson 9
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Assignment #9 will contain two components. The first component involves students locating and reviewing two academic journal articles that have tested the key propositions within their selected theory (7 points). Remember, these must be empirical journal articles, which means the authors will have explicitly tested the key propositions within your selected theory. Once you have compiled this information, please create a new thread that contains your responses and PDF copies of the two journal articles in the appropriate discussion board on Blackboard (i.e., Assignment #9). Please make sure to clearly identify your selected theory in this assignment. The second component involves replying to another student’s posting (3 points). I have included instructions for these replies below. The first part of this assignment will be due by midnight on Sunday, November 8th. The replies will be due by midnight on Wednesday, November 11th.


  1. Please provide one paragraph per article that addresses the following questions:
    1. How did the author’s measure the key concepts in your theory?
      1. How many questions did they use to measure each concept and what was the level of measurement used with these questions?
    2. What were the dependent variables and how were they measured?
      1. How many questions did they use to measure the dependent variable(s) and what was the level of measurement used with these questions?
    3. Who participated in the studies and how were the data gathered?
      1. Who were these individuals?
      2. How many individuals participated in the study?
      3. What methodology was used to gather the information (i.e., surveys, interviews, etc.)?
    4. What were the major findings regarding the key theoretical variables of interest from these articles?
      1. Which theoretical variables were found to be significantly related to the dependent variable(s)?
    5. What conclusions can be drawn based on the findings from the article?
      1. Do the findings support the key propositions in your theory?




When crafting a response to another posting, students will want to make a substantive contribution to the discussion on the topic. I would suggest that students read a handful of discussion postings and then select one that offers the best opportunity for them to make a meaningful contribution. In their response, students will want to evaluate whether another student has addressed all of the aspects associated with the questions above in their responses. Please make sure to thoroughly justify your position and provide examples on how the student could improve their summaries of the empirical articles. Remember, the purpose of this assignment is for students to gain experience summarizing empirical journal articles, so please be courteous in your postings. Responses that merely consist of “good job” or “excellent posting” will receive zero points.


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