Institutions and Social Structures

A 6-page minimum paper analyzing the works of Durkheim, Max Weber, Marianne Weber, and Charlotte Perkins Gilman. The leading questions for this essay are “What social processes make a social system possible?
What institutions exist in modern times? What changes have they undergone?
What is the role of status? Class? Gender? how does sociology analyze economic interactions?
How do these theorists share an understanding of the social system? How do they differ?” I need to have the following terms included in the essay “Stauts, Class, Party, Organic solidarity, Mechanical solidarity, sex function, Professionalization, autonomy, institutions, Anomie, division of labor, etc” Include what each theorist is claiming sociology analyzes, how they analyze social structure and process and how they relate to one another. describe each theorist and their relation to one another. Think about how Collins describes theoretical traditions, as well as thinking about the historical conditions in which each theorist lived, both materially and ideologically.

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