Choose a picture, and write a descriptive essay. Your essay must have these components: (1) an introduction, (2) body, (3) conclusion, (4) thesis statement, (5) good development, (6) topic sentences, and (7) transition words. Your paper must be double-spaced, two- three full pages (about 700 words), and written in 12 point font. Your essay must be in MLA format. Also, you must cite one source (an article, web site, or book) in your essay  in proper MLA format. Use the 1101 Libguides on GALILEO to find your source.


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  1. Go to this web site, and choose a picture to describe:




Please read the descriptive essay chapter of the textbook. All college essays are formatted using MLA style (headers, page numbers, etc.). Read the MLA chapter of your textbook to view an MLA formatted essay, or check Blackboard


Most descriptive essay thesis statements are formatted to describe the main point/points of the picture and to explain the significance of that point/or points:  The picture is ____ because of ____ , OR the author uses/creates ____ to portray _____.




___Your introduction should be about four to five sentences long (including your thesis).

___Your thesis should have three clear points.

___ Mention the artist’s name and the title of the artist’s work as points for references.

___Mention the title of the source and the author of the source as points of references.


Body paragraphs


A standard essay has three body paragraphs.

___Each body paragraph should start with a transition word and have a topic sentence. Most paragraphs are about nine-10 lines long.

___Transition words (meanwhile, furthermore, therefore, finally, first, second, in conclusion)

___Topic sentences

___ All body paragraphs should have well-developed examples. Write precise, thorough examples to prove your thesis.

___ You must have an over-exaggerated number of descriptions throughout your essay (lots of adjectives).

___You must have one in-text citation (quote) per body paragraph in at least two body paragraphs. You should not have more than two in-text citations per body paragraph. Your in-text citations should have signal phrases, quotation marks, and page numbers.





___Your conclusion should restate the main idea of your essay in an interesting way.


Grammar and mechanics


No glaring grammar mistakes (fragments, agreement issues, verb tense shifts, run-ons, comma splices, wordiness, awkward sentence structures, no comma errors or punctuation errors, misspelled, no grammar and mechanics related errors)


Audience issues


All college papers are formal; therefore, you must use formal language.


___Write in third person point of view (he, she, one, a person, etc. ), not in first person point of view (I), or second person point of view (you).


Works Cited Page


___You must have a works cited page.



Be aware that when you submit your essay to Turn-It-In, your document will be automatically checked for plagiarism. You have access to the originality reports that Turn-It-In generates for your papers, so use them to your advantage. If a report shows issues with plagiarism, you need to correct and resubmit your work before the assignment deadline.


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