Case Study Report assignment

Part A: Identification/justification/discussion (with supporting specific evidence from the case study and relevant theory or research studies/findings) of
• one critical strength of the CSO
• one critical weakness of the CSO
• one critical current issue/trend that is/can be relevant to the CSO
• brief conclusion in respect of strength, weakness, external issue (you may need to make intelligent/logical implications from the information provided in the case study organisation – CSO) Part B: • Recommendations (that are specific and with justifications) for the identified strength (as per Part A above) in the context of the identified current issue/trend, as identified in the preceding Part A above.
• Recommendations (that are specific and with justifications) for the identified weakness (as per Part A above) in the context of the identified current issue/trend, as identified in the preceding Part A above.
Note: The report should consist of two major parts (Part A and Part B, as described above), in addition to the Executive Summary, Table of Contents, Introduction, Conclusion and Reference List – APA7 style)
Three main topics should be included in the report
1-Legal business structure
3-Source of Captial
The theories should be related to (management of small and medium-sized enterprises )
research report. It combines quality/in-depth secondary research (from credible sources such as academic journals, textbooks, industry reports) on relevant external issues/conditions that relate to the internal strength/weakness as identified in the case study organisation (CSO), and the application of relevant theories/concepts/research studies/findings.

The report should have 0% plagiarism. Please read the instruction carefully the report worth 50% of the whole paper.

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Case Study Report assignment
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