Week Nine-Weekly Discussion: – Week 9 discussion 2 001 ta20

For some of you, this theatre thing is a new experience. For others, it is old hat. But we all have some familiarity with story telling and story structure even if we don’t realize it. We have all heard relatives tell stories about their lives or heard stories with religious teaching being the primary focus. What makes a good story for you is personal, like what you like on your hot dog (ketchup or mustard). So, what makes a good story for you? How does your personal bias affect your enjoyment of a story? For you, is there a difference between hearing, seeing, or reading a story? Which do you prefer?


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Week Nine-Weekly Discussion: – Week 9 discussion 2 001 ta20
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This week I have decide to break you into two groups for the weekly discussion. This way it will be easier for you to have a discussion with your fellow students while also giving you a chance to interact with some new people.

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