Various HR metrics

Like many other functional roles within the modern organization, human resources departments are being cast with identifying measures that can be used to determine their overall levels of effectiveness. Additionally, these metrics can be used to identify problems within the organization that can be addressed become before they become more serious. Many human resources departments are adopting a variety of metrics to evaluate the overall health of their organizations, specifically related to their employees. In this assignment, you will explore the HR metrics used to track and monitor employee turnover and vacancies.

You are the HR manager of an organization. Your supervisor asks you to prepare a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation explaining the following:

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Various HR metrics
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The various HR metrics used to track and monitor employee turnover and vacancies.
The HR metrics used to track and monitor employee turnover and vacancies in your organization.
Benchmarks that should be used to compare the findings of your organization
our assessment of the turnover and vacancy rate in your organization.
Your suggestions for improving current HR metrics used in your organization.
Use both peer-reviewed articles and materials that are publicly available through company websites in the popular press.
The presentation should be at least 10 slides but no more than 20.
Ensure that slides appear professional.
Include sources used.

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