HIST 1301 Midterm Exam

Please choose one (1!) of the following four questions, and write a 4-5 page essay answering the question you choose. Your essay should be double-spaced, 12 font or its equivalent, and submitted on blackboard by the end of the day on Friday, October 16th.

Whichever exam question you choose, please:

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Provide your argument, and a brief explanation of that argument, in your introductory paragraph.
Here is what I would like you to do in your essay:
Again, present a clear argument right away that answers the question directly
Take up ALL of the hints and guidelines provided in the question
Always explain your arguments
Always provide evidence – the best possible evidence – for your arguments
Make sure to look for evidence in the textbook and in the video lectures
Include an introduction and conclusion
Here is my advice to you as you write your essay:
Be organized – try your best to write in paragraphs
Be thorough – the questions are designed to take you a long time to answer
Be clear – answer the question, and defend your answer, and write, as clearly and directly as you can.
Be thoughtful – show me that you’ve thought about the question, and about history, rather than only summarizing what you read

Here are the potential essay questions. Please choose ONE to answer:

Eric Foner writes, “Both timeless longings for freedom and unprecedented forms of unfreedom had been essential to the North American colonies’ remarkable development.” Here is the question: What was the relationship between freedom and lack of freedom in the English and Spanish colonies? Your answer should include analyses of English colonists’ and Spanish colonists’ relations with Indigenous populations; English colonists’ and Spanish colonists’ systems of enforced labor and/or slavery; gender relations in English and Spanish colonies; distinctions based on wealth or social class in English and Spanish colonies.

How did the slavery as an economic and a labor system affect the English colonies, England, and the people living in the English colonies? Your answer should include analyses of the impact of slavery on the economies of the northern and southern English colonies; of the impact of slavery on the English economy; the impact of slavery on the people living in the Northern and Southern English economies, especially the slaves themselves.

How did the American revolution affect the various peoples living in what became the United States? Your answer should include analyses of all of the populations living in what became the United States, including the colonial elite, backcountry colonists, free Black people, slaves, white women, Indigenous populations and British loyalists.

In what ways did the U.S. Constitution expand freedom and democracy in the United States, and in what ways did it limit it? Your answer should include analyses of the impact of the Constitution on all of the populations, including colonial elite, backcountry colonists, free Black people, slaves, white women, and Indigenous populations. It can also take up the precedents established in the Constitution in terms of freedom and democracy.

Again, please choose only ONE of these questions to answer. Please make a clear and direct argument in your introductory paragraph, be as thorough as possible, and provide evidence from the lectures and the book for your arguments.

This exam is worth 200 points. It is due on blackboard by the end of the day on Friday, October 16th.

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