Good source vs bad source using the crapp test

Comparison arguments are an important tool in the arsenal of any academic, and comparing materials based on the principles of information literacy is a skill that is used across academia. For this assignment you are going to compare two sources presenting information on the same current events subject. You will need to find two articles from different internet sources that are not affiliated with each other (they cannot be owned by the same company or otherwise be parts of the same entity). In selecting your sources, you should intentionally select one source that you believe to be “good” based on the principles of information literacy, and one source that you believe to be “bad” based on those same principles. In your paper, you will pick three aspects of information literacy on which to compare the two pieces and using those three points of comparison create a comparison argument in which you explain why the “good” source is reliable and the “bad” source is not.

Your paper should be 500-1000 words in length, use 12-point font in Times New Roman, have 1 inch margins, should include a title, should include a works cited page, and be double-spaced.

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Good source vs bad source using the crapp test
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