Extra Credit Paper anthro 1 ley

For this extra credit assignment, you will write about any aspect of the Coronavirus pandemic that relates to a subject of your choosing that we covered this semester in this class. For example, the effect of race on coronavirus health disparities (that is, people of color getting sicker than the rest of the population) would be one topic you could pursue.

For this assignment, you must reference the Our Origins textbook and three articles total from at least one of the following news sources:

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Extra Credit Paper anthro 1 ley
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The Guardian
The New York Times
The Los Angeles Times

Please watch this video for information on how to access these sources:

You do not need to email me for approval for your topic. As long as it connects any issue having to do with the pandemic to any one topic from the textbook this semester, it is valid for this assignment.

Make sure that you review the tutorial on plagiarism that is posted in the Module for the first week of the class. The definition of plagiarism in that tutorial will be applied to this assignment. All assignments will be checked for plagiarism using TurnItIn. I will not accept any assignments over email.

You will need to include at least nine references total in this paper, and you can divide that among your sources however you see fit. Please use the APA citation style when citing your articles, both in the body of the paper and the Works Cited page.

Here is how to cite a newspaper article in the Works Cited page:


Here is how to cite a newspaper article in the body of the paper:


For your Our Origins citations, just include (Larsen, page #) in the body of the paper when you reference it, and you do not need to include it in your Works Cited page.

This paper should include a title page. It needs to be five full pages, not including the title page and the Works Cited page. It should be formatted using Times New Roman 12 point font, double spaced, no extra spaces between paragraphs, and default margins.

This assignment is worth 10 points that will be added to your final grade for the class, such that a B would become an A if you do this assignment. Please note that Canvas does not allow me to add Extra Credit as an assignment in the gradebook, so I will manually add the points to your final grades.

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