Culture and ethics questions

Read the following case study and answer the following questions in APA Style with four headings using narrative, not question, format:

1. What are the potential ethical issues for yourself and the patient?

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2. What are the unknowns? List all the subjective and objective data you need.

3. Describe the right thing to do in your personal opinion in caring for this patient according to your concentration and considering interventions pertinent to primary care, to patient education, or to health care administration. Be specific in your assessment and plan.

4. What would you hope to learn from this encounter? This section is a critically thought out personal reflection (1-2 succinct paragraphs).


A 27-year-old genetic man presents to your clinic wearing women’s clothing. He tells you that from a very young age he has believed he was born with the wrong assigned gender. He also reports that he is most comfortable living life as a woman and that he has done so for the past 6 months. This patient also reports that he is ready for the next step in the process of becoming a woman. He is requesting to be started on female hormones to gain more feminine physical qualities.


Respond to the questions in a 2-3 page paper that includes at least 2-3 references.

i have looked up some sources i can attach below

Health considerations for transgender women and remaining unknowns: a narrative review

Un-certainty’: working therapeutically with a transgender

young person and learning to bear the unknown

Konstantina Tsoukala

British Psychotherapy


Tsoukala, K. (2018). ‘Un-certainty’: working therapeutically with a transgender young person and learning to bear the unknown. Journal of Child Psychotherapy, 44(1), 90–107.

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