Assignments to develop

(1)This discussion assignment is related to your Chapter 5 (Salkind) material.

Post a comment in which you:

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a) List one of the alternative explanations that you gave for question # 7 in your individual assignment # 7.

b) Since the study for this assignment was correlational, we don’t know if exercise actually causes increases in self-esteem. Design an experimental study to investigate the relationship between exercise and self-esteem.

What is your hypothesis?

What is your independent variable? How will you manipulate the IV?

What is your dependent variable? How will you measure your DV?

Note: You can disregard ethical limitations here! Just design an experimental study rather than a purely correlational study.

(2.1)Post a reply in which you:

a)Respond to your group member’s explanation and state whether you agree or disagree with their explanation of the relationship between exercise and self-esteem. Why do you agree or disagree?

b) Respond to your group member’s study idea and state whether you agree or disagree with their study design. What would you change about their study, if you had to change one thing to make it as good as it possibly can be (remember, every study could be improved, even if it’s really good to begin with!).

c)Explain why using an experimental study would be better than using a correlational study if you wanted to know if exercise causes increases in self-esteem. That is, what conclusions can we draw from experimental studies, that we cannot draw from correlational studies?

(2) Discuss the following questions with your group:

Think about the parenting style of your parent or caregiver. Think about your adult traits and how consistent (or not) your outcomes were with the outcomes typically predicted for that parenting style? If they were consistent, or if not, what additional family influences had an impact on your adult traits? Consider ethic variations, social class variations, and family encounters with distressing situations.
Do you think the new generation of parents are more permissive than previous generations? More uninvolved (perhaps due to their own preoccupation with online activities)? State a position, and then make a prediction on how the trend will impact the generation of children growing up now.
Please view the attached rubric: Discussion Board Grading Rubric PDF(

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