4 questions responses

In a minimum of 175 words:
Consider a company that you are familiar with.
Discuss what might be in the organization’s external, general, or industry environment that would influence strategic planning for that company.

In a minimum of 175 words:
Discuss the differences and relationship between a business-level strategy and a corporate-level strategy.
Use examples from a company you are familiar with to illustrate this differences and relationship.

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4 questions responses
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Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words:
Think of an example where change was attempted but failed.
Using the concepts presented in this week’s readings, discuss what contributed to the failure and what might have been done to prevent it.

Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words:
Think of a change in a company you are familiar with.
Who were the stakeholders in this change?
Discuss what concerns different stakeholders might have and how communication is needed to address those concerns.

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