Unit 1 DB 2 Application of Action Research
Primary Task Response: Write 300-500 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. Compose a single, integrated narrative that addresses the following questions and items. Use a conversational tone, good grammar and syntax, and employ critical thinking. You do not need to use APA, formatting. You are expected to cite the sources that you use. Remember to achieve the minimum word count required.
Go to the CTU Library, and open the ABI Inform database. Find and review the following articles:
Stephens, J., Barton, J., & Haslett, T. (2009). Action research: Its history and relationship to scientific methodology. Systemic Practice and Action Research, 22(6), 463-474.
Apply a (AI/AR) review your current organization or a previous you have an association with.
Share the following information:
Type of organization
Description of organization (e.g., review Web sites, press, and published documents)
Key organizational and / or performance metrics
Description of the person who is the key decision maker (no names needed, but describe his or her role and responsibilities as you understand them all related to your situation)
Detailed description of the organizational problem that you want to solve by using (AI/AR)
Why do you want to use (AI/AR)? What are the benefits?
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