The Nature of Management

Synthesis Paper Topic: The Nature of Management
The subject matter of this course is narrow relative to the broader field of business. As a result, we will take a deep dive into this narrow topic of Management. By the end of the semester, we will have examined issues involving (1) definitions and types of management, (2) the history of management, (3) organizational environments and cultures, (4) ethics and social responsibility, (5) planning and decision making, (6) organizational strategy, (7) innovation and change, (8) global management, (9) adaptive organizations, (10) managing teams, (11) human resource management, (12) motivation, (13) leadership, (14) managing communication, (15) control systems, (16) managing information, (17) managing service and manufacturing operations, and (18) many associated topics. In the process, we will explore how the role of different business functions interact and contribute to their larger social, legal, and business environments. You will have read and discussed various theories relating to management, types of managers, roles of managers, scientific management, workplace deviance, planning and strategy, job design, employment legislation, diversity in the workforce, the difference between leaders and managers, opportunity recognition and exploitation, intellectual property, the nature of technology, and the future of work. You will have completed assignments requiring research and personal reflection on management and related topics. This Synthesis Paper is your opportunity to demonstrate your command of the course’s subject matter.

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The Nature of Management
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