Summary over the book of Psalms

Summarize these Psalms. Comment on their tone, mood, and approach. (Make sure summary is over those 6 books ONLY)

Psalm 2, 8, 22, 73, 110, 122

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Summary over the book of Psalms
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Check the rubric below before you submit, but here are a few important things to remember:

Summaries must begin with ONE sentence that summarizes the unique content and purpose of the entire book. For example: “The Book of Malachi contains God’s message that Israel should repent of their slothful worship, while they anticipate the arrival of a messenger who will signal true revival.” Use the remainder of your summary to walk through the content of the book in multiple paragraphs.
Summaries must be written in prose form. Avoid outlines or bulleted lists.
Just summarize the content of the book! Don’t write a commentary about how the book relates to Christian living.
Make sure you submit your summary on time PDF format. Late work will be accepted for one week with a letter grade reduction penalty. After one week, late assignments will not be accepted except in the most extenuating of circumstances.

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