Statement of Purpose for Admission for a PhD in Business Economics option Finance

1-talk about yourself and motivation:
Holder of a bachelor in mathematics, currently completing a Master in Mathematics (Finance option) interested in Ph.D. in finance. Have noticed while completing my undergrad my strong interest in using mathematics to solve real-world problems. my Mathematics skills in Finance since the modern financial needs a complex mathematical model.


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Statement of Purpose for Admission for a PhD in Business Economics option Finance
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2- Summarized undergraduate and previous graduate career:

My undergraduate studies and master gave me a strong background in Algebra, Analysis, probability theory. The most important is the course of Financial math in my graduate program that gave me a deeper understanding of the pricing theory from the Black Scholes model, the binomial pricing, stochastic analysis, and how to solve a stochastic differential equation. Have also been exposed to a course of econometrics which helped me to know how to use mathematical concepts such as matrice algebra in multilinear regression and also introduced me to the concepts of times series and financial time series. I didn’t perform well in some units of the second semester as econometrics because of some health issues during the period of exams.

3- Relevance of recent current activities:

After completing my master coursework, I have successfully defended my research proposal in pricing financial derivative mainly how to price lookback options under stochastic volatility. Besides, I have been reading on my own books on intermediate the intermediate microeconomics and macroeconomics to catch up on the lack in that field(you can mention any good book ).

4: Elaborate on your academic interest:
I am interested in Asset pricing mainly on how to price financial derivatives. Also interested in corporate finance.


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