International Law on Sources and Subjects

There are two questions to be answered – 2 PAGES FOR EACH QUESTION NOT INCLUDING REFERENCES
I have attached an uploaded file with the questions but I will write them below:

1. Why is the study of courses generally so confusing and why does international law spend so much time on it?

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International Law on Sources and Subjects
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2. What are the critical issues that come under discussion when treating subjects of International Law?
– for question two, Focus on 3 main subjects: (all provide in notes)
1. Nation States
2. International Organizations
3. Critical Issues of each

I have uploaded notes on each of the questions that will help guide your essay. Use the notes as the basis and foundation for each question; incorporate cases for each question as well to help illustrate your answer. (cases are found in the notes I will upload). USE LATIN TERMS FROM NOTES IN ESSAY.

Use Outside sources to help fully answer the questions. Without prior international law knowledge outside sources will benefit in answering the questions. I have linked some below.

Subjects of International Law

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