Ibsen’s A Doll’s House

NO Research Required, just the play ” A Doll’s House, by Henrik Ibsen” – https://www.gutenberg.org/files/2542/2542-h/2542-h.htm#act2

** I chose Prompt B for this problem, I’ll attach the document provided by the professor.

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Ibsen’s A Doll’s House
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*** You must RESPOND to the following prompt and write fully developed essays of approximately 2-3 pages (double-spaced, 14pt. type, numbered pages).

In Act III of Ibsen’s A Doll’s House, as Nora and Torvald are “closing out accounts,” Nora says, “[I’m] getting out of my costume.” After the truth is revealed, she adds: “I’ve been wronged greatly, Torvald—first by Papa, and then by you.” Nora then tells Torvald that he never loved her, but thought it was “fun to be in love with me, that’s all.” Just before she leaves, she tells Torvald that she’s been “living with a stranger” and that she can’t “spend the night in a strange man’s room.” With these lines as your guide, discuss the true nature of the Helmers’ marriage and how Nora and Torvald represent the typical husband and wife of their society. By way of conclusion, discuss how you feel about Nora leaving her husband and children and what you think might happen to her

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