Criminal Justice Task

So these are considered Discussion Questions so they don’t have to be over the top. I left a file of all of the questions to answer and all the links to come with it. For some of the questions they are opinion oriented. For example, question 10 is about the death penalty and since I do have conservative values, I am for the death penalty. If you have any questions let me know! And there is no need to write down each question again. Answers are just fine. There should be around 3-10 sentences per question. If you do excuse the three pages, I will reimburse per page that is extra.
Thank you so much!
Chapter 2 question video link🔗
Chapter 3 question video link🔗
Chapter 4 question video🔗
Chapters 6:
Chapter 7:

Chapter 8: Don’t worry about doing this one
Chapter 10: Don’t worry about doing this one
Chapter 9:

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Criminal Justice Task
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