Career Preparation

The purpose of this assignment is to engage in a selected activity related to career development.
Write a 750-1,000-word paper based on one of the prompts below. The paper may be written in first person voice and must be grammatically correct. At least two external sources should be cited in the paper.
Go to a GCU Accounting Society or an on-campus club or association meeting related to your discipline. Write a paper that meets the criteria above, and explains what you learned from this meeting and how this will influence your career.
Conduct an interview with someone in the accounting (or finance) profession who works in an area in which you are interested. For example, if you are interested in auditing, interview an auditor. If you want to work in nonprofit, interview a nonprofit accountant or CFO. Learn about their career, such as why they decided to work in that area, what they like and dislike about their work, what certifications they have and why, etc. Use the interview as an opportunity to learn more about the field you are studying and wish to work in after graduation.
If you have an activity that you plan to participate in that will enhance your career knowledge, you may ask your instructor if you may use this as a Career Development assignment opportunity.

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