Managerial accounting

Q1. What items are included in manufacturing overhead?                                     [1.5 marks]


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Managerial accounting
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Q2. If your fixed monthly utility charge is SR 200, your variable cost is SR2 per kilowatt hour, and your monthly activity level is 3,000 kilowatt hours, what is the amount of your utility bill?

[0.5 mark]





Q3. The following information relates to ALFAHD Corporation (AMOUNTS IN SAUDI RIYAL)


Advertising Costs SR12,470
Administrative Salaries 28,700
Delivery Vehicle Depreciation 1,000
Factory Repair and Maintenance 910
Indirect Labor 11,700
Indirect Materials 9,360
Manufacturing Equipment Depreciation 2,080
Office Rent 42,300
President’s Salary 60,000
Sales Revenue 450,000
Sales Salary 38,000



How much were ALFAHD period costs and product costs?                                     [1 mark]


















Q4. ABC Company had the following inventories on May 1, 2019(amounts in SR)


Raw Material   30,000

Finished Goods           40,000

WIP – Material            20,000

WIP – Labor   20,000

WIP – Manufacturing overhead         15,000


During the month, the cost of material purchased was 130,000 direct labor cost incurred was 140,000 and factory overhead applicable to production was 70,000, on May 31, inventories were:


Raw Material   40,000

Finished Goods           50,000

WIP – Material            15,000

WIP – Labor   25,000

WIP Manufacturing overhead 10,000




Prepare Journal entries on May 31, to show the flow of cost through the proper summary T accounts.


Assume that sales values were 500,000 on credit.                                                          [2 marks]


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