Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

Please read the article and watch the videos, and answer the questions:

Part 1 Questions

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Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
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  1. Have you been following the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict priorto taking this class? Briefly explain. (1 point)
  2. Prior to watching the videos and reading the article, did youhave more sympathy for the Israelis, Palestinians, othergroup(s), or did not care. Briefly explain. (2 points).
  3. After watching the videos and reading the article, did youhave more sympathy for the Israelis, Palestinians, other group(s), or did not care. Briefly explain. (2 points).

Part 2 Questions
1. Which side of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict did you support

based on your answer from: Respond here whether you will be supporting: a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict OR no two-state solution. (1 point)

  1. After attending the Zoom session and discussing the current issue, was there anything that was said that changed your mind to oppose your initial views? Briefly explain. (1 point)
  2. What three-point plan did your group decide in order to have “Peace in the Middle East.” (3 points)

The instructions, rubrics, and the article are attached below, please follow the writing guidelines carefully, and using your own words. Make sure to do the Turnitin check before submit your answer. Thank you!


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