CSR/Environmental Sustainability

Identify a cause that you are passionate about, and that’s meaningful for you. Create your own CSR/Environmental Sustainability project to be conducted in your community and share your vision for this project. Share why you selected this particular project, then identify the project date(s), the planning requirements, the time you dedicated to the project, and any additional interesting facts related to your project.

Once you identify the cause, take the time and opportunity to make a difference. This project is all about finding ways to make a positive impact on your community through volunteering and involvement/engagement by helping others through your efforts.

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CSR/Environmental Sustainability
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Write a reflection paper on your experience (include photos from the project) addressing the following questions:

What was your motivation for selecting this project?
How did this opportunity contribute to the local communities’ wellbeing?
Whose interest was served?
How did the community benefit from your efforts, and what did you gain from the experience?
What did you personally learn through the experience?
What was the most rewarding aspect for you while conducting this project?
Share any feedback you received from others who observed your actions or benefited from the results.

Make sure to write your paper professionally with proper grammar and sentence structure. (using Grammarly is recommended) The reflection paper should be double spaced and should be between two full pages to three pages in length.
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