Complete a Teacher observation

For this assignment you will complete a Teacher observation . You will need to use the book. I believe we are on Chapter 8,and 9. The name of the book is Creating Environments for Learning Author: Julie Bullard ISBN: 978-0-13-401455-5. The book is in the book shelf. You will need to log in to retrieve the ebook. Please only use this book as a reference. Also please include intext citation.

Unlike your “classroom observation” where you observed the classroom “environment”, this observation will provide you with an opportunity to observe how the teacher(s) interact with the children. You will be using YouTube to research teacher observation videos for you to watch and complete this assignment.

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Complete a Teacher observation
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Review your textbook to identify 10 concepts you want to observe. Be prepared to discuss why these are importance concepts.

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**Remember, the concepts must focus on “teacher-child interaction”

Please list your ten concepts below (be specific):













In your “write-up” of this observation, please provide the following (on a separate sheet of paper, typed, double spaced).

1. Introduction: provide some general information to describe the observation setting, number of children, number of teachers, activities going on, etc.

2. Write up a “summary” of your observation. In your summary, please tell how you saw each of the above terms illustrated.

In your summary, put each concept in its own section with an underlined heading.

Provide documentation from the text and/or other course reading to support why these concepts are important to observe (provide APA citations).


3. Provide a brief “conclusion” in which you state your overall impression of the teacher-child interactions, suggestions, concerns, etc. Also, discuss how doing this observation will influence your own teaching/interactions with children (be very specific).

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