Reddit as an Influential Discourse Community

In order to have a group that is more intelligent than any of its single contributors, it must adhere to four criteria: Diversity of opinion; independence, meaning peoples’ opinions are independent of other group members’ opinions; decentralization, meaning various individuals bring specialized knowledge and experiences to the group as a whole; and aggregation, meaning there is a mechanism to communicate between group members and to reach a collective decision (Surowiecki IX).

  • Does your discourse community (International students studying in U.S) satisfy these criteria?
  • Create a flowchart that establishes whether it does or does not.(If you need help understanding flow charts, see this Wikipedia article: (Links to an external site.). If you want to use a tool that helps you create a flow chart, a simple Internet search will point you to several options.)
  • How does the outcome of the flowchart refute or reinforce your understanding of your discourse community?

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Reddit as an Influential Discourse Community
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