It is a research paper.

Each student will select and research a specific topic or issue related to Human Resource Management. I am keeping this flexible so you can choose something that interests you. The topic you choose might be a course topic you find particularly interesting or it might be related to your career goals. If you are currently working full or part time, you might want to select an issue relevant to your current workplace (please note – this should not be a personal issue you are dealing with or have dealt with at work, but it can be an HR topic related to your work experience).

Your overall goal is to develop a comprehensive report about your chosen topic or issue that someone with little or no HRM knowledge can use to learn more about it.

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Your report should include the following:

  • An introduction with a brief description of your chosen topic or issue and why you chose to research it.
  • A detailed presentation and discussion that gives the reader a comprehensive understanding of the topic or issue and presents recommendations or action steps based on your research.
  • A discussion of how the information in your report can be used to benefit others.
  • Include specific examples from at least 2 existing companies to help the reader

understand what the topic or issue looks like in practice and how organizations manage or deal with it.

You should identify at least 5 resources (not including the 2 examples from existing companies mentioned above) to assist in your analysis and the development of your report. All 5 of the resources used must be from outside sources (not including your textbook). Avoid using Wikipedia, resources that offer simple definitions such as a dictionary, or personal interviews and/or documents. Instead, focus on using quality resources such as professional publications or journal articles. All resources used for the completion of this project should be cited appropriately in the body of your paper and in the references section at the end of the paper. The length of your report should be sufficient to fully cover the topic and meet the performance standards (typically in the range of 5 to 7 pages). This report will be evaluated based on your presentation of the topic, your application of appropriate HR concepts and theories to analyze the topic, and your ability to effectively communicate the key aspects of your chosen issue and make it understandable and engaging.

Your report should follow APA writing style including a cover page with your name and the assignment name, 12-point Times New Roman font, double spacing, 1-inch margins on all sides, page numbers, and a references page. Also, use section headings to enhance the organization and readability of your paper.

Submit your document on the course Blackboard site using MS Word format (.doc or .docx). ASSIGNMENT DUE: November 5 (Thursday) before the beginning of class (9:30am)

GRADING: This assignment is worth a total of 150 points. See the grading rubric posted on the course Blackboard site for details on how the assignment will be graded.


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