Discussion :Marijuana

We will begin this week’s discussion on marijuana with a video from 1936 featuring the trailer to a full length film entitled “Reefer Madness.” Just in case you did not know, “reefer” is one of the earlier used slang terms for marijuana. There is also a second video which looks at whether marijuana is a “gateway drug.” Please notice how many people still seem to be ignorant of the facts surrounding marijuana and its use. Those of you, if any, who use marijuana will probably find the first video most hilarious!

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Discussion :Marijuana
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After reviewing the videos, please discuss some point or issue that stands out for you. Explain in detail what it is, and why you feel this way. You will gain more points if you support your position with information from at least two new references. You will gain more points if you make each of these new references a quality and scholarly peer-reviewed reference–(preferably a primary source). Remember to use APA Style in your citations and references.

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