Case Study: – Google

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Case Study: – Google
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Colquitt, J. A., LePine, J. A., & Wesson, M. J. (2019). Organizational behaviour: Improving performance and commitment in the workplace (6th ed). Burr Ridge, IL: McGraw-Hill Irwin.


Case Study: –

Case: Google

Please read the case “Google” from Chapter 6Motivation.” Page: – 187 given in your textbook – Organizational behaviour: Improving performance and commitment in the workplace (6th ed). by Colquitt, J. A., LePine, J. A., & Wesson, M. J. (2019) and Answer the following Questions:

Assignment Question(s):


1.Do you agree with Bock that star performers should get a lot more—not just a little more—than average performers? If someone earning a 3 on Google’s evaluation system gets a 2 percent raise, what should employees earning 4’s and 5’s get? (1.25 Marks )

2.Given the budget issues created by giving star performers more, should someone earning a 3 get a 2 percent raise—or should they get less? What are the arguments for and against a 2 percent raise level for average performers? (1.25 Marks )

3.Consider all the things Google’s People Operations group does to motivate its employees. Which motivation theories do they seem to be leveraging, and how? (1.25 Marks )


Discussion question: Page: -167, please see the table and read carefully and then give your answers on the basis of your understanding.

4.Which of the outcomes in Table 6-2are most appealing to you? Are you more attracted to extrinsic outcomes or intrinsic outcomes? Do you think that your preferences will change as you get older? (1.25 Marks )

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