What is the value of your money?

Think about your capability to earn money, and how the “time value of money” concept affects your life. Specifically, for this assignment consider how much the average person your age could earn with or without a college education (see indeed.com (Links to an external site.) for info on approximate salaries for both labor-oriented jobs and business jobs in the area that you are majoring in). Think about your education as an “investment” of both time and money.

Answer ALL 4 questions below:

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What is the value of your money?
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Answer all of the questions below in your own words (200 words or more). There are no wrong answers, but you must justify your opinions. Your answers must be well thought out, and well-written.

  1. About how much do you think that you could earn now, without a college education?
  2. What type of career do you plan to pursue after graduation, and about how much do you expect to be making then? Research various business careers and their associated salaries.
  3. Now consider your education as an investment of time and money. Does this investment make sense? Explain in detail how your economic “value” will increase over time. What is the “opportunity cost” of the time spent in college (during which you could have been working doing something else)? What sort of “return” do you expect to get on your college education?
  4. In a more general way, discuss how the concept of time value of money will affect your life. How might some of the concepts that we’ve covered in this module affect your real-life financial decisions with regard to both debt (car loans, student loans, credit cards, etc.) or equity (savings account, stocks, real estate, etc.).



Criteria Ratings Pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCompletely answered all questions
25.0 ptsAnswered all questions 15.0 ptsAnswered most questions 10.0 ptsAnswered only a few questions 5.0 ptsResponse was vague and unrelated to questions
25.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAccuracy of information
25.0 ptsAccurate information 10.0 ptsVague information 0.0 ptsInaccurate information
25.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWell written
25.0 ptsThorough explanation with clear examples 20.0 ptsExplanation with somewhat clear examples 10.0 ptsMissing clear examples 5.0 ptsExplanation is inadequate and too brief
25.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWord count
25.0 pts200 words or more 20.0 pts150 to 200 words 10.0 pts100 to 150 words 5.0 ptsUnder 100 words
25.0 pts
Total Points: 100.0

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