Evidence Research Writing

In a three to four page paper (of text), describe an applied research study that could be conducted to answer the research question: Can sales at Smith & Wollensky be influenced by a change in music tempo?

To figure this out, you will need to at least peruse the foundational (e.g., basic) studies listed below. As a group, they will describe the current thinking on the subject. Also, each one conducted some kind of a study to reach their conclusion. And, if hard pressed, you might think about borrowing a research methodology from one of these for your Smith & Wollensky research (just remember that a study higher on the Pyramid of Evidence would be more conclusive). As the Regional Manager, you have the authority to direct various S&W locations to play music of different tempos for the study.

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Evidence Research Writing
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Here are three foundational articles in chronological order of publication. (Since the later ones tend to cite the earlier ones, it is better to look at them in this order.)

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