Argue for a useful definition of civil society drawing on the readings

In the works of de Tocqueville (2000), Jezard (2019), Roginsky and Shortall (2009), and Härdig (2015), we have encountered different perspectives on who is civil society and what civil society does, its agents and actions.

Using these perspectives as evidence of tension in how civil society is defined and recognizing that definitions have consequences, argue for a useful definition of civil society drawing on the readings. As part of your definition consider the need to establish who fits into civil society and what civil society contributes to a society as a whole. For example, should faith-based organizations be considered part of civil society? What about political parties? Is it possible to have a global or universal definition of who participates in civil society or what civil society contributes? You might also explore other definitional questions, such as: In understanding what civil society does, what should we focus on? What does participation in civil society lead to or cause? What should it lead to or cause? How might current definitions or approaches be improved? What shouldn’t be considered civil society?

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Argue for a useful definition of civil society drawing on the readings
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follow the PEEL method through all of the paper

P- Point




Your can approach your argument in four main parts:

1. Abstract

2. An introduction that introduces and summarizes your argument.

    • Your introduction should introduce and frame the definitional debate. It should state, clearly and succinctly, the main points of your argument: your main claim or thesis and a preview of the key points that you will elaborate in the body paragraphs.

3. Body paragraphs that develop your argument about how to define civil society in relation to our authors’ perspectives.

    • What situation in the world creates the need for a civil society? Why problems do the authors emphasize in order to make their argument? What examples are used to define civil society? What evidence is used to support these ideas? What other important claims do they make to express their positions?
    • Remember that you must use textual evidence (paraphrased or quoted) to support any claims about what our authors say (rather than only your impression of what they are saying).
    • Your body paragraphs should be organized around specific claims that support or explore your interpretation, normally appearing at the beginning of the paragraph. We will call these claims “topic sentences.”

4. A conclusion that helps you reiterate your argument and reflect on its significance, as well as perhaps offer a pathway forward for yourself or your readers.


Your response should be a 2-3 page academic-style paper using paragraphs, grammatically correct sentences, and vocabulary appropriate for discussions that require precision and concision. The paper should be double-spaced with 12-pt font and 1-inch margins, as specified in the APA Publications Manual. Be sure to include a “References” list at the end of your paper contains APA citations.


1.De Toqueville (2006) (attached)

2.Jezard (2019) ,

3.Roginsky, S., & Shortall, S. (2009). (attached)

4.Härdig, A. C. (2015) (attached)

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