Write a 350-word statement regarding quarnatine

The act of quarantining, understood as suspending selected civil liberties and freedom of movement from an individual or entire population, is a very ethically difficult decision to make. It implies that one person’s liberties must be limited sacrificed for the greater good. At the clinical level this is a delicate decision made by the clinician in consultation with authorities, at the public level it is typically a decision made by a leader with executive powers at the recommendation of infectious disease specialists. Currently the United States is experiencing sporadic efforts at “sheltering in place” has made the decision to implement the largest national quarantine in history, essentially locking down over a billion people, or twenty percent of the world’s population. Peru has suspended the constitution and instituted martial law to enforce the most aggressive quarantine in South America.

What do you think the ethical and logistical challenges are to implementing quarantine here in the United States? Please post a 250-word or more statement of your thoughts on quarantine and macro-triaging. Cite at least one source. To help guide your response here are some questions to ponder:

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Write a 350-word statement regarding quarnatine
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  • Should the United States implement a quarantine, implementing the draconian measures that the Chinese government implemented in Wuhan, China or the suspension of the all movement that Peru has instituted in an effort to stop the spread?
  • How could a full quarantine even be enforced?
  • Is the increased spread of the disease a necessary evil of maintaining civil rights and personal freedom?

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