CMR 380 Individual Case: Toyota

Answer these questions along with your typical case analysis.

case analysis(Case History, Strengths and Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats, Financial Analysis,Recommendations) Case analysis need one page and five questions need four or five pages.

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CMR 380 Individual Case: Toyota
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  1. 1. Compare and contrast Toyota’s manufacturing system with a conventional mass-production system. What are the advantages of Toyota’s system?
  1. 2. Describe the essential difference between the way supplier relations are managed at Toyota and how they were managed historically at the typical U.S. auto manufacturer. What are the consequences of these differences?
  1. 3. How does Toyota’s approach to customer relations influence its design and production planning process? What are the implications?
  1. 4. Do you think that the cooperation that Toyota has achieved with its suppliers and employees in Japan can be replicated in its overseas manufacturing operations?
  1. 5. What is the basis of Toyota’s competitive advantage? Is it imitable?

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