Airbnb Segmentation Study

Please read the Airbnb Segmentation Study Airbnb Segmentation Study. and do the ZIP Code exercise – Alternative Formats

and answer the following questions in your post:Please read the Airbnb Segmentation Study in module 6 and answer the following questions in your post:

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Airbnb Segmentation Study
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  1. What market segment from this study do you belong to and why?
  2. Comment on one of your classmate’s posts
  3. For a different view of market segmentation, point to and click on the “Zip Code Lookup” tab. Click on the Claritas360 link below and enter one ZIP code other than your own and list the top characteristics of that area. For the ZIP code directory, see . To see the characteristics of the ZIP code you selected, click on the “Segment Details” tab. Next, scroll through the Income, Household Composition, Population by Age and Population by Race and Ethnicity tabs to see the details of the area.

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