ART 101 ASSIGNMENT 4: Compare and Contrast Essay

In this assignment, you will draw on the information you learned in the readings and videos from the Week 4 and 5 Modules. Write a 700–1000-word essay that compares and contrasts one work of art from Mesopotamia and one work of art from Egypt. Use the Overview Pages for week 4 and week 5 to locate the specific pages and videos that contain information about the works you compare and contrast.

Choose specific works listed in the table below. Compare and contrast at least 4 things about these artworks.

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ART 101 ASSIGNMENT 4: Compare and Contrast Essay
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Compare and Contrast A & B

A. Victory Stele of Naram-Sin


B. Palette of Narmer

A. Law Code Stele of Hammurabi


B. Palette of Narmer

A. Ashurbanipal Hunting Lions
Wall Reliefs


B. House Altar Depicting Nefertiti and Akhenaten

Follow the standard structure of an essay:

  • Paragraph 1: Introduction (State what the key ideas of what you are going to discuss in the first paragraph)
  • Body or Middle Paragraphs: (Discussion naming particular facts about the works from the course material and observations of the works. Probably 4 paragraphs)
  • Final Paragraph: Conclusion (Restate the key ideas and state a Conclusion)

If you are not sure how to write a compare and contrast essay, here is a link (Links to an external site.) to help you.
Download the PDF of the assignment for reference offline as you work on your essay.
A4-Compare and contrast Essay.

Sources for your essay:

  • Use the works of art listed in the table above. Choose Option 1 or 2. Compare and contrast aspects of A and B.
  • All writing MUST be in your own words. (plagiarizing even part of a phrase will earn you a zero for the Assignment)
  • Use the facts you have learned from class readings, videos, podcasts, etc., but DO NOT copy and paste text.
    Note: If you use outside resources, you must cite that resource at the end of your document. If it’s determined that you have used other sources and not listed them or copied and pasted information without putting it into your own words, you will earn a zero for the assignment.

Suggested topics or things to compare:

  • The political structure of the time
  • Time period/ dates
  • Geography
  • People
  • Economics
  • The subject matter (what is the work about)
  • Religion
  • Cultural groups
  • Evidence of writing

Point Value: 20
Due Date: Friday, September 25, at 11:59 No late assignments will be accepted.
File format: PDF File saved as: Lastname_Firstinitial AS4.pdf


Compare and Contrast

Compare and Contrast

Criteria Ratings Pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeTHESIS
4.0 to >3.5 ptsAbove Average

The essay includes a thesis or organizing idea. Concept or thesis is based on significant similarities AND significant differences. The thesis accurately explains, in art historical terms, the similarities and differences observed. Incorporated Art historical Methodologies

3.5 to >2.5 ptsAbove Average

The essays includes a thesis and or organizing idea that demonstrates individualized thought and articulation

2.5 to >0.5 ptsAverage

Minimally stated idea of thesis or organizing concept.

0.5 to >0 ptsBelow Average

No submission and or No thesis stated.

4.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCLEAR COMPARATIVE POINTS
4.0 to >3.5 ptsSuperior

The similarities and differences chosen help illuminate a significant art historical point relating to subject, style, context, function and patronage

3.5 to >2.0 ptsAbove Average

The similarities and differences chosen are very interesting, and broad enough that they can be supported by visual and historical details relating to subject, style, context, function and patronage, etc.

2.0 to >0.0 ptsAverage

The similarities and differences chosen are interesting, but there isn’t much said about them in terms of description or explanation, and/or The similarities and differences chosen are minor details that don’t provide the structure for a good comparison.

0.0 ptsBelow Average

No submission

4.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCONTENT
4.0 to >3.0 ptsClear and detailed explanations

The essay clearly explains similarities and differences between the works of art in terms of the religious, political, social or economic circumstances of their production

3.0 to >2.5 ptsAttempts to explain

B level answer: The essay attempts to explain similarities and differences between the works of art in terms of the religious, political, social or economic circumstances of their production

2.5 to >0.0 ptsMinimal Explantion

C Level answer: The explanation of the similarities and differences is superficial, evolutionary or disregards the circumstances of artistic production.

0.0 ptsNo Submission
4.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeVISUAL ANALYSIS
4.0 to >3.0 ptsThe essay uses at least four good visual points to support its thesis 3.0 to >2.5 ptsThe essay uses at least one good visual point to support its thesis. 2.5 to >0 ptsMentions appearance of the works of art, but does not analyze them.

The essay makes little to no reference to the appearance of the works of art. Has little to no analysis of the art, or, No submission

4.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSTRUCTURE
4.0 to >3.5 ptsThe essay has an Introduction, body and conclusion

Conclusion is a strong resolution that demonstrates understanding of the period

3.5 to >2.5 ptsThe essay has an introduction, body, and conclusion

Conclusion is cursory or weak.

2.5 to >1.0 ptsThe essay has a somewhat coherent structure, but lacks fundamental components of introduction and conclusion 1.0 to >0 ptsLists works with bullets or concepts, or not essay form, or, no submission
4.0 pts
Total Points: 20.0

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