MIPS assembly program

Write and test a MIPS assembly program that performs the following tasks, in order:

1. Print a description of the program.

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MIPS assembly program
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2. Prompt the user for two numbers and save these in two registers.

3. Perform several calculations using these two numbers, and save each result in data memory. Results to compute: sum, difference, product, (integer) quotient, and remainder of the two numbers.

4. For each computed result, retrieve it from memory and print it in a nice way.

5. Print a concluding message and exit.

In Task 3, each of the results must be stored to a different location in data memory. In Task 4, these results must each be retrieved from data memory. You should begin by declaring all of the constants and variables you will need in the data segment. Your text segment should be divided into five sections, corresponding to the five tasks. Comments should indicate the sections. This means that you will perform all of the calculations and store all of the results into memory (Section 3) before you retrieve and print each of them (Section 4). At the end of your program you should use the “exit” system call (10) to exit cleanly from your program. Finally, your program must be fully documented. COMMENTS ARE REQUIRED but you should not comment every line. Instead, break it into small, logical chunks that can be succinctly described (e.g. “calculate the difference and save to memory”).

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