Introduction to problem solving and algorithm design

The fourth assignment involves writing a Python program to compute the average quiz grade for a group of five students. Your program should include a list of five names. Using a for loop, it should successively prompt the user for the quiz grade for each of the five students. Each prompt should include the name of the student whose quiz grade is to be input. It should compute and display the average of those five grades and the highest grade. You should decide on the names of the five students.

Your program should include the complete pseudocode used for your design in the comments.

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Introduction to problem solving and algorithm design
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You are to submit your Python program as a text file (.txt) file. Do not submit the .py file. In addition, you are also to submit a test plan in a Word document or a .pdf file with images of the successful execution of your code. Do not attach images inside the assignment folder. 15% of your grade will be based on whether the comments in your program include the pseudocode, 70% on whether your program executes correctly on at least three test cases and 15% on the completeness of your test report.

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