Assessment Context: The assessment measures the understanding, use, and development of educational research to develop an energy plan for South Carolina energy sector.
Note: This course includes this assignment as a critical assessment documenting your learning on the state’s energy issues listed below and identified in the Peoples Energy Principles of South Carolina.
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Developing an Energy Plan/Road-map
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Now it is time to put all the pieces together. Your Final Energy Plan should include, in this order:
Title Page
Completed body of the energy plan– ensures that you have included all four parts of the People’s Energy Principles (Although you can definitely make intersections between multiple parts of the plan, each part should be labeled separately.)
Body Contents:
- Increased Access to Energy Efficiency- This portion of the plan will engage in further analysis and dialogue on energy efficiency programs/options in the state and around the country (with a specific focus on other southern states) to develop more detailed language for the plan.
- Increasing Access to Renewable Energy- This part of the plan will look into the economic benefits, policies and programs in the renewable energy sector. It should focus on creating a stronger justification for community choice and ownership of renewable energy resources in the People’s Energy Principles.
- Community and Workforce Transition: This part will examine opportunities for community and workforce transition options in our energy sector. The part of the plan will seek to strengthen and improve our current priorities while considering the transition from toxic expensive coal to a cheaper clean energy future in the People’s Energy Principles. Keep in mind a particular focus on Santee Cooper’s Winyah Generating Station in Georgetown South Carolina. Since this coal plant is currently undergoing retirement, then how do we ensure the best transition for the neighboring communities, businesses, public services? Horry-Georgetown Technical College could serve as major resources on workforce transition. As well as Coastal Carolina University, College of Charleston, and Clemson’ Energy Innovation Facility only a few miles from Georgtown, in Charleston, SC.
- Equitable Decision Making in our Energy Sector: This part of the plan will focus on the representation of SC demographics by race/gender among decision makers in the electric sector (Public Service Commission, Santee Cooper’s Board of Directors, and Central Electric Power Cooperative) It will review the election/appointment processes and look for opportunities that will increase diversity and inclusion to support the People’s Energy Principles.
Reference Page
Combine all parts into a single document.
This course includes this assignment as a critical assessment documenting your learning on the national standards described below. For information on the critical assessment policy, please review the course syllabus. Be sure to review the rubric for the assignment.
Content Knowledge
The student understands the central concepts, tools of inquiry, and structures of the state’s energy sector and provided evidence-based example and analysis that make the desired aspects of the People’s Energy Principles (attached) accessible, engaging and meaningful for all citizens to assure equity and democracy in the state’s energy sector.
4(o) The student realizes that content knowledge is not a fixed body of facts but is complex, culturally situated, and ever evolving. S/he keeps abreast of new ideas, emerging programs/technology and understandings in the field.
4(q) The teacher recognizes the potential of bias in his/her representation of the discipline and seeks to appropriately address the problems of bias through neutrality while accurately accounting for the equitable treatment and needs of those citizens in the state from historically marginalized backgrounds.
Professional Learning and Ethical Practice
The study engages in professional learning and uses evidence to evaluate the best methods toward achieving the People’s Energy Principles, particularly the effects of decision making and actions on others (businesses, families, other professionals, and the community), and adapts practice/knowledge to meet the needs of each demographic representation in the state .
9(e) The student reflects on personal biases and accesses resources to deepen one’s understanding of cultural, ethnic, gender, and learning differences to build stronger relationships and create a more relevant energy plan for all in the state.
9(g) The student understands and knows how to use a variety of self-assessment and problem-solving strategies to analyze and reflect on energy practices and to plan for adaptations/adjustments to the enact progressive change in the sector.
9(l) The student places emphasis on accountability and responsibility for change in the energy sector and uses ongoing analysis and reflection to improve planning and implementation while accounting for environmental and climate justice.
Leadership and Collaboration
The student displays knowledge of appropriate leadership roles, structure and opportunities to increase accountability for a renewable and sustainable energy future, and to collaborate with local learners, families, colleagues, academic institutions, school professionals, business and industry professionals, nonprofits and community members to ensure increased knowledge on key issues and theories of change, and to advance the overall plan for a clean energy future based on the required readings and resources.
10(f) The student engages in professional learning, develops a plan that contributes to the knowledge and skill of others, and works collaboratively to advance the goals of the collective interest from the Peoples Energy Principles.
Support your statements with evidence from the required studies and your own research. Be sure to include examples and cross analysis of examples from other southern states. Include context from the video recordings of the South Carolina Racial Equity and Clean Energy Dialogues and expand upon the People’s Energy Principle in your plan. Cite and reference your sources in APA style.
Required Readings and Resources:
Draft People’s Energy Principles.
Video Recordings of South Carolina Racial Equity and Clean Energy Dialogues:
August 31st:
July 27th:
June 28th:………………………,rigorous%20process%20to%20screen%20candidates.&text=A%20team%20judges%20each%20candidate,to%20seven%20people%20per%20seat.…… (Note: Santee Cooper’s current CEO Mark Bonsal came from SRP Salt River Project, )……………………,-%2D%20Proposal%20includes%20more&text=Governor%20Ralph%20Northam%20has%20made,megawatt%20commercial%20offshore%20wind%20development.
Dominion info on Energy Efficiency:
- PUR-2019-00201 – 2019 DSM update – (final order) approving EE programs, including HB 2789 three-year program (2021-2023) offering “incentives for the installation of measures that reduce residential heating and cooling costs and enhance the health and safety of low income, elderly, and disabled residential customers, including repairs and improvements to home, heating, and cooling systems and installation of energy-saving measures in the house, such as insulation and air sealing”; program not to exceed $25 million (Appalachian Voices and NRDC intervened; SC filed comments)
- Related docket PUR-2018-00168 (SC intervened) – order approving DSM programs and rate adjustment clauses
Dominion files a DSM/EE docket every year; next filing expected Nov/Dec 2020
- PUR-2019-00122 – (order approving rate adjustment clause) approval of APCo’s three new EE / DR programs, including low income multi- and single-family home programs
-directed to file evidence of actual energy savings achieved, in future rate adjustment clause proceedings
-APCo to file updated EM&V report on or before May 1, 2021
-to file petition to continue rider EE-RAC no later than Nov 30, 2020
EE stakeholder meetings – Dominion and APCo have a couple each year
Dominion held virtual meeting August 2020, SC chapter rep typically attends
HB 2506 (2009) authorized IOUs to recover costs of EE programs by adjusting rates, if such programs are found to be in the public interest.
IRPs forecast utilities’ expected loads (projected over a 15-year period) and their plans to meet EE obligations by using supply- and demand-side resources.
Other dockets:
PUR-2020-00035 – Dominion IRP (SC intervened)
- Dominion directed to model costs and reliability impacts of VCEA and other relevant legislation
-Dominion to file triennial review in 2021
PUR-2020-00015 – APCo 2020 triennial review of rates, terms and conditions for the provision of generation, distribution and transmission services (SC intervened)