Compensation, Benefits, Health & Safety, Employee Rights and Labor Unions, High Performing Organizations


Consider what you’ve learned over these final chapters and write an essay that explores in detail:

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Compensation, Benefits, Health & Safety, Employee Rights and Labor Unions, High Performing Organizations
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  • the typical balance of base pay (salary or hourly wages) and variable (incentive) pay for common jobs in this industry or career path
  • how managers can use an incentive plan to drive the desired behaviors and results in your industry or career path (with specific examples for multiple common jobs)
  • any unusual or innovative benefits that organizations in your industry or career path may offer
  • workplace safety or health concerns that may be known in this industry or career path, and how managers and HR can help reduce the risk
  • OSHA and important implications these regulations have in your industry or career path
  • how employees rights and employer responsibilities typically apply in your industry or career path
  • performance or behavior issues that commonly require employee discipline in your industry or career path
  • how prevalent labor unions are in your industry or career path, and why they are that common (or uncommon)
  • concerns or needs that employees are likely to have in this industry or career path, and how management should (or should not) address them
  • What are the core concepts to be considered in International HRM?
  • How does international HRM play a role in your organization?
  • What are the components of an HPO (high performing organization)?
  • How does HR play a role in creating an HPO?

This assignment should include at least 5 pages of double-spaced content in 12-point Times New Roman font, summarizing your key learnings in class and how they are relevant in your industry or career path. Written assignments require application of content from the textbook and any other learning materials provided in the course, as well as your own independent research (especially around industry-specific aspects of the assignment).

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