Advanced Foodservice Operations Management

Section I – Concept and Target Market

For Section I of the project you will be imagining a food and beverage operation that will form the basis of the remaining sections of the project.  Please provide the name of your establishment and the city in which it is located.  Additionally, please provide a concise description of your establishment’s concept (like high-end wine bar or Irish Pub) and the strategy by which you mean to compete (price, quality, etc.).

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Also, describe the demographic and psychographic characteristics of the market you will be targeting.



Section II – The Menu

  1. The Menu
  2. Create a menu for your operation that is consistent with your concept and competitive strategy and should be designed to appeal to your target market.

For this exercise, you will be creating a prix fixe dinner menu that includes one appetizer, one soup or salad, one entree and one dessert.  Minimum 4 courses. Maximum six courses.

Your menu should include category headings and item names and appropriate descriptions.  Be sure to make proper use of color, borders, fonts, font size, graphics and pictures.  You will price the menu appropriately based on the costs you calculate for your offerings.


A prix fixe menu includes one selection from each category and one price is charged for all courses (in our case four courses) regardless of selection.  Be sure to price your menu appropriately and based on the cost cards you produce for each menu item.


You will be producing B, C & D for each course each week.


  1. Standardized Recipes     

Produce a standardized format recipe for three of the menu items you offer – one appetizer, one entrée and one dessert.  Use the standardized recipe template to produce your recipes.  Your recipes should be scaled to produce 24 portions each.


  1. Cost Cards    

Produce cost cards for each of the standardized recipes you create.  Use the cost card template provided to produce your cost cards.  Prices must come from the Culinary Storeroom Browse Sheet that has been provided to you.   Prices for items that do not appear on the browse sheet can come from any other source, but outside sources must be noted.


  1. Plate/Glass Diagrams.                         

Produce a plate diagram for each course (except the entrée). Follow the rubric.

You can utilize colored pencils, graphic software or photos.


Section III – Beverage Pairings and Final Menu

Provide an appropriate beverage pairing for 2 of your four menu selections.  Use a white & red wine from the Bistro wine list.

One of your pairings must be a mock/cocktail.

Mock/Cocktails must include a standardized recipe and a cost card with a beverage diagram.


For each of your pairings you will include a description for your menu, a cost of the beverage, a price for the beverage and a rationale for the pairing based on the flavor profile of the menu item and the beverage.


Finally, you will embed the description for the beverage pairing into your menu and submit a finalized version of your menu.


In addition to submitting your menu to me, you should post your menu to the blog so that your classmates can tell you what they think of your menu.


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