Week #2 Discussion #1

To Whom it Concerns;

It has come to my attention that there are some areas in the management that are not being directed properly by management itself, but rather by the employees. Because of the constant delegation of managerial asks I have considered a management change. This change is called a Holacracy, instead of continuing to have specific managerial tasks and positions, we will be promoting self-management and self-organization.

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Week #2 Discussion #1
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To help with the implementation I have already taken the initiative to create a plan in which we can use as guide towards a successful change. Its important for the company to move forward with these changes to continue being successful. This change is the best option for the continual success of the company as managers are lacking. This change would be a permanent change and erase any further issues with managerial skills, tasks, and jobs.

With concerns for the company or concerns with this change please reach out to me.

Thank you.


Jennifer Orlove, Internal Consultant


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