Social Work Discussion

Table of Contents

In this past module we have examined what makes a practice framework, what role evidence plays in social work, what comprises the Generalist Social Work Practice framework, and the importance of anti-oppressive social work practice in our profession. Keeping all of this (I know it’s a lot!) in mind, respond to the questions below within your small groups.

Reflect and Post

  1. You are a social worker at Happy Valley Social Services. You have been seeing your client for the past month but, unfortunately, they are no longer eligible to receive services. Thinking about the skills that we have learned about in Module 3 so far, which would be important to use and how would you use them? Why would you use them?

M3.5 Verbal and Nonverbal Communication Post & Video Group Discussion

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  1. Using the link to Flipgrid (a video submission site) below, use your webcam to demonstrate these skills. Pretend that the webcam is your client and deliver the news that they are no longer eligible to receive services. You can make up a reason why, and make sure that you include information that you think a client would need if this was a real situation.

Use this link to access Flipgrid (you must use your student email address to sign in):

Note: You must make your post before you can see your group members’ posts.

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