Response Paper on article

Response papers should be no more than 1 page single spaced and should include three parts.

First, you will be asked to summarize the study methods and findings in a few sentences. These

sentences should be in your own words and should be written such that even a student who

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Response Paper on article
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hasn’t read the article can understand the assigned reading. Second you will be asked to respond

briefly to a prompt(s) that you will be provided with in advance. Third, you will be asked to

propose a thought question for the week. You have significant flexibility in the questions you

ask. However, your question should demonstrate that you have thought deeply about the

material. For instance, you may pose a question that criticizes the methods or conclusions in an

empirical research article or asks how a research finding applies to a different context. These

questions should be more than “yes” or “no” questions. They should spur discussion and help

your classmates tie relevant material together. You should provide a brief answer to your thought

question (this could also be a list of possible answers, or statements about the debate you think

this question should spark). Although you will not answer your thought questions in great detail

in your papers, be prepared to talk about your answers to these questions more extensively in


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