Gain insights from Xerox’s Benchmarking Experience


Gain insights from Xerox’s Benchmarking Experience

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Gain insights from Xerox’s Benchmarking Experience
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  1. assessing what target firms are appropriate for a particular situation
  2. differentiating various types of benchmarking and the measures used for benchmarking


Answer the following questions:

Review and the article attached below first.

  1. What types of benchmarking (process, financial, performance, product, strategic, and/or functional benchmarking) did Xerox perform? For each type of benchmarking, what measures were used?
  2. Which target firm(s) that Xerox chose surprised you? Do you think Xerox’s choices of the target firm(s) were appropriate? Explain why.

Just need answer the question, no need to write in essay form, word limit 200-250.

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