Politics of Sexuality Hurtado

Please read the two articles under files–“Politics of Sexuality Hurtado” and Yarbro-Bejarano’s “Chicana Studies and Sexuality.” Then watch this video:

https://marymountuniversity.zoom.us/rec/share/G2iXBwZ2q-di4QPVdbj3LSqFjuuVDZP5IRR6LbDGMBcVONMYZOb136WP07He6WzP.BJGqmDXwahLkRzgL (Links to an external site.) Passcode: @2&i&TDP

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Politics of Sexuality Hurtado
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If you are in person on Monday, you do not need to watch. We will cover this information in class.

Here’s the link for “Los Vendidos” mentioned in the video:


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